Monday, April 14, 2008

a regular green thumb

You'd never know it - but evidently Stacey and I have green thumbs.  Our rose bush has well over thirty buds and is beeeeeeeeeeeautiful!  Don't worry, in a few months everyone in the midwest will have these too!

Monday, April 07, 2008

obama + IU

did you hear?  i am sure if you are in indiana you already knew about it.  but here i sit, in the phoenix sky harbor airport, and on CNN is a piece on barack obama at indiana university.

dave matthews played a free concert in support of obama at IU yesterday at assembly hall.

it was pretty cool to see the IU logo with "change" right underneath it.  i wish i could find a picture!

no matter what the outcome is of this election ... i think it is fantastic that so many people - young and old - are getting involved in the election.  i seriously doubt that people would've line up outside assembly hall like they did in the picture above for the last election or the one before when i was at IU.

Hoosier - excited for baby?

Could it be that Hoosier is excited for the baby? Every time we open
up the closet where we plan to store the baby... Er, where we store
the bassinet... He sniffs it for as long as we will let him.

Come on people. There's nothing like a good baby in the closet joke.

On a side note... I am starting to get a little excited about the
child. This is my first public acknowledgment. I think it will be
very wierd though, to have a little person that looks and acts like
Stacey or myself.

I mean I guess the world could definitley use more of us!

Friday, April 04, 2008

little people doors, cut the frills

tonight, stacey and i went to a very, very good "gourmet mexican" restaurant at a new mall that just opened nearby us.  i don't know if i'd consider it gourmet mexican but it was damn good.  they made tableside guacamole.  nice.  stacey's tortilla soup was good (besides that it included half a chicken in the "cup").  my chicken tacos were some of the best i've had.

anyway, we planned on going to see vantage point at the movie theater but once we got too close stacey smelled the popcorn.  ever since she's had bun in said oven she can not stand the smell of popcorn.  it's an instant gag.

so, we walked around and looked at the little people stores.  here are our findings:
boy clothing is so much cooler than girl clothing.  boy baby clothing rules.  most girl baby clothing sucks.
for example, a boy could be like, "check me out.  i have an awesome fire truck on my shirt.  i so rock." 

exhibit a:

on the other hand, most of the girl clothing is frilly bullshit.  too many roses.  too many flowers.  a lot of it looks like a damn quilt with some ruffles.

i mean, a girl would be like, "oh my god.  this ruffle makes me want to vomit.  oh crap, i think i am going to spew on this ugly, ruffly, flowerly dress.  here ... it ... comes ... blach!"

exhibit b:

so, we'd rather there just be a penis on this thing than the other option.  we'll know in late may/early june...

of course, we have nothing against little girls but we are thinking for us we'd like a boy.  let the conversation begin about how we'll regret writing this if we end up with a girl ...

the other finding was that little people doors rule.

exhibit c:

and of course, that puppies that sleep on each other are always cute.  we saw these guys at the puppy store ...  it would of course be exhibit d(og):

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

too many vaccines = autism/other disorders?

hmm... i actually stumbled upon this information but had heard something on the TODAY show the other morning as well, although each is pointing to possible different causes for the outcome of more autoimmune diseases in young people these days and autism.

the article i am going to point you to is actually by jenny mccarthy and jim carrey whose son is autistic ... or a recovered autistic.  they believe that children today are sent to the doctor for too many vaccinations before the age of two.  
in 1983 there were only 10 vaccinations for a child before age two.  now there are 36.
hey, i lived through only 10 vaccinations and turned out fine.  granted, i had the chicken pox but it was like a rite-of-passage.  hell, i didn't even know they had a vaccine for it!  what people are starting to point out is that as a result of so many vaccinations so early we've seen a dramatic increase in things like autoimmune disorders, neurological disorders like autism.

jenny mccarthy changed her son's diet, decreased metal exposure (some vaccinations actually contain traces of mercury) and other things and her son is now "recovered" from autism.  coincidence of misdiagnosis?  

to me, there's no surprise that drug companies are one of the only industries that are rarely affected by the economy.  push more "required vaccinations" into law and their profits soar.

the other thing i saw was on the TODAY show which discussed that americans are "too clean."  we disinfect everything.  there's actually a link that if children grow up in too clean of a household they are also prone to more autoimmune disorders, allergies, etc.  the philosophy with that is simply our immune systems are "bored" and start to turn against the body.  they have nothing to fight - like the flu virus on that table your son just licked or the chicken pox virus because you already have a decent immunity to it - so it starts turning on you.

anyway, read the article and let me know what you think.   especially if you have kids or are educated on this!  

oh, and if you've never read Belly Laughs by jenny mccarthy i'd highly recommend it!  stacey and have been reading it off and on.

you can read the first few pages here ...

and you can read more about the case against vaccinations here ...