Monday, April 07, 2008

Hoosier - excited for baby?

Could it be that Hoosier is excited for the baby? Every time we open
up the closet where we plan to store the baby... Er, where we store
the bassinet... He sniffs it for as long as we will let him.

Come on people. There's nothing like a good baby in the closet joke.

On a side note... I am starting to get a little excited about the
child. This is my first public acknowledgment. I think it will be
very wierd though, to have a little person that looks and acts like
Stacey or myself.

I mean I guess the world could definitley use more of us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how cute is that??? Now Hoosier wont be the "baby" of the family,maybe that's what's exciting to him !
Glad to hear you are slowly coming around, Brad.